Two brothers, one mission
Determined to unleash the true potential of themselves, the brothers acquired engineering challenges in the maritime and port industry. And left their fingerprints on legendary projects worldwide. Nowadays, Walhout Group has a strong team of specialists and an extensive network that enables the firm to tackle complex challenges. We use our experiences, culture of collaboration and ownership to deliver superior results.
Within the WALHOUT GROUP we are proud to offer a diverse yet complimentary range of services. We operate from three dynamic companies.

Walhout Civil
Walhout Civil is specialized in solving and organizing hydraulic engineering challenges. We provide consulting and engineering services in the field of geotechnics, port constructions, maritime infrastructure and digital systems.

Walhout Projects
Walhout Projects is an expert in state-of-the-art monitoring activities, surveys and data gathering in the field of hydraulic and maritime infrastructure. We develop new methods and monitoring technics to support engineers even better.

Walhout Maritime
Walhout Maritime carries out specialist activities in the field of hydraulic engineering and the maritime sector. We work on straightforward project development and advice in the field of management and business operations.

Our awards
We aim to attain remarkable outcomes while demonstrating resourcefulness in our endeavors. Client satisfaction is our top priority. Hence, we deeply appreciate the recognition of our work. We are the proud winner of the:
- Upcoming Talent Award 2018 of The Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers, a Dutch society founded in 1847
- Zeeland Pioneers Award 2017 of the Zeeuwse Connectie, a prestigious prize in the southwest of Holland
- Nominations of the Prince Friso Engineering Award 2015 and the Zeeland Pioneers Award 2015